Postcode District TW1

Postcode District TW1 is located in the region of Richmond upon Thames and covers the areas of Twickenham, St. Margarets, Strawberry Hill. There are about 1414 postcodes in TW1 out of which 698 are active.

2011 Census Summary for TW1

TW1 Postcode District has an approximate population of 26067 and 11234 households.

Sector TW1 1

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
TW1 1 8171 3493 300 179

Postcodes in Sector TW1 1

Sector TW1 2

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
TW1 2 5846 2718 297 159

Postcodes in Sector TW1 2

Sector TW1 3

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
TW1 3 4179 1897 288 132

Postcodes in Sector TW1 3

Sector TW1 4

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
TW1 4 7871 3126 309 174

Postcodes in Sector TW1 4

Sector TW1 9

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
TW1 9 220 54

Postcodes in Sector TW1 9