Postcode Area FY

Postcode Area FY covers the areas in Blackpool. There is a total of about 9862 postcodes in FY out of which 7237 postcodes are active and deliverable. FY has an approximate population of 276593 and 125986 households. FY contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 18 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in FY.

18 Active Districts in Postcode Area FY

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
FY0 Blackpool Blackpool 7 1
FY1 Blackpool Blackpool 33551 15326 1691 998
FY2 Bispham Blackpool 24589 11126 692 551
FY3 Layton, Marton, Staining Blackpool 32027 14341 1020 781
FY4 Blackpool, Blackpool Airport, Marton, South Shore Blackpool 44072 19728 1408 1076
FY5 Thornton-Cleveleys Wyre 44800 20430 1435 1137
FY6 Poulton-Le-Fylde, Hambleton, Knott End-on-Sea, Preesall, Singleton Wyre 27751 12497 961 760
FY7 Fleetwood Wyre 25939 11173 857 661
FY8 Lytham St. Annes, Moss Side Fylde 43864 21365 1791 1272
FY0 Blackpool Blackpool 7 1
FY1 Blackpool Blackpool 33551 15326 1691 998
FY2 Bispham Blackpool 24589 11126 692 551
FY3 Layton, Marton, Staining Blackpool 32027 14341 1020 781
FY4 Blackpool, Blackpool Airport, Marton, South Shore Blackpool 44072 19728 1408 1076
FY5 Thornton-Cleveleys Wyre 44800 20430 1435 1137
FY6 Poulton-Le-Fylde, Hambleton, Knott End-on-Sea, Preesall, Singleton Wyre 27751 12497 961 760
FY7 Fleetwood Wyre 25939 11173 857 661
FY8 Lytham St. Annes, Moss Side Fylde 43864 21365 1791 1272