Postcode Area L

Postcode Area L covers the areas in Liverpool. There is a total of about 42670 postcodes in L out of which 20369 postcodes are active and deliverable. L has an approximate population of 856675 and 370680 households. L contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 100 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in L.

100 Active Districts in Postcode Area L

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
L1 Liverpool city centre Liverpool 7096 3821 755 418
L2 Liverpool city centre Liverpool 935 622 773 211
L3 Liverpool City Centre, Everton, Vauxhall Liverpool 17396 7250 1032 539
L4 Anfield, Kirkdale, Walton Liverpool 40091 18612 916 786
L5 Anfield, Everton, Kirkdale, Vauxhall Liverpool 12961 6476 732 407
L6 Anfield, Liverpool City Centre, Everton, Fairfield, Kensington, Tuebrook Liverpool 23672 11005 646 478
L7 Liverpool City Centre, Edge Hill, Fairfield, Kensington Liverpool 18425 7823 638 437
L8 Liverpool City Centre, Dingle, Toxteth Liverpool 32383 16025 922 662
L9 Aintree, Fazakerley, Orrell Park, Walton Liverpool 32586 13591 871 638
L10 Aintree Village, Fazakerley Liverpool 14965 6305 349 285
L11 Clubmoor, Croxteth, Gillmoss, Norris Green Liverpool 25337 10738 699 538
L12 Croxteth Park, West Derby Liverpool 31096 12828 768 585
L13 Clubmoor, Old Swan, Stoneycroft, Tuebrook Liverpool 30949 13839 829 579
L14 Broadgreen, Dovecot, Knotty Ash, Page Moss Liverpool 25824 10894 583 455
L15 Wavertree Liverpool 30024 12537 700 478
L16 Broadgreen, Bowring Park, Childwall Liverpool 15039 5670 309 244
L17 Aigburth, St Michael's Hamlet, Sefton Park Liverpool 24048 11528 733 459
L18 Allerton, Mossley Hill Liverpool 28154 11610 811 564
L19 Aigburth, Garston, Grassendale Liverpool 23769 10499 688 495
L20 Bootle, Kirkdale, Orrell Liverpool 31529 13896 1514 1003
L21 Ford, Litherland, Seaforth Liverpool 25388 11091 710 557
L22 Waterloo Sefton 13815 6094 443 276
L23 Blundellsands, Brighton-le-Sands, Crosby, Little Crosby, Thornton Sefton 30236 12644 904 670
L24 Hale, Speke Liverpool 15951 6859 540 384
L25 Belle Vale, Gateacre, Hunts Cross, Woolton, Halewood Liverpool 33214 15199 1152 838
L26 Halewood Liverpool 15156 6138 412 322
L27 Netherley Liverpool 6415 2758 218 148
L28 Stockbridge Village Liverpool 6376 3017 145 107
L29 Lunt, Sefton Village Sefton 435 168 30 22
L30 Bootle, Netherton Sefton 19983 8525 592 458
L31 Maghull, Lydiate, Melling, Waddicar Sefton 30659 12548 916 741
L32 Kirkby Knowsley 20597 8834 633 531
L33 Kirkby Knowsley 17006 6854 768 512
L34 Prescot, Knowsley Village Knowsley 12271 5445 584 427
L35 Prescot, Whiston, Rainhill Knowsley 30730 12679 846 682
L36 Huyton, Roby, Tarbock Knowsley 39899 16692 1139 932
L37 Formby, Little Altcar, Great Altcar Sefton 23502 9837 936 671
L38 Ince Blundell, Hightown Sefton 2575 1101 128 99
L39 Ormskirk West Lancashire 28093 11178 1044 749
L40 Burscough, Scarisbrick West Lancashire 18095 7450 707 526
L67 Liverpool Liverpool 12 7
L68 Liverpool Liverpool 10 1
L69 Liverpool, Liverpool University Liverpool 1701 267
L70 Liverpool, Speke Liverpool 219 51
L71 Liverpool Liverpool 20 15
L72 Liverpool Liverpool 60 51
L73 Liverpool Liverpool 1 1
L74 Liverpool Liverpool 27 27
L75 Liverpool Liverpool 38 35
L80 Non-geographic Liverpool 4 1
L1 Liverpool city centre Liverpool 7096 3821 755 418
L2 Liverpool city centre Liverpool 935 622 773 211
L3 Liverpool City Centre, Everton, Vauxhall Liverpool 17396 7250 1032 539
L4 Anfield, Kirkdale, Walton Liverpool 40091 18612 916 786
L5 Anfield, Everton, Kirkdale, Vauxhall Liverpool 12961 6476 732 407
L6 Anfield, Liverpool City Centre, Everton, Fairfield, Kensington, Tuebrook Liverpool 23672 11005 646 478
L7 Liverpool City Centre, Edge Hill, Fairfield, Kensington Liverpool 18425 7823 638 437
L8 Liverpool City Centre, Dingle, Toxteth Liverpool 32383 16025 922 662
L9 Aintree, Fazakerley, Orrell Park, Walton Liverpool 32586 13591 871 638
L10 Aintree Village, Fazakerley Liverpool 14965 6305 349 285
L11 Clubmoor, Croxteth, Gillmoss, Norris Green Liverpool 25337 10738 699 538
L12 Croxteth Park, West Derby Liverpool 31096 12828 768 585
L13 Clubmoor, Old Swan, Stoneycroft, Tuebrook Liverpool 30949 13839 829 579
L14 Broadgreen, Dovecot, Knotty Ash, Page Moss Liverpool 25824 10894 583 455
L15 Wavertree Liverpool 30024 12537 700 478
L16 Broadgreen, Bowring Park, Childwall Liverpool 15039 5670 309 244
L17 Aigburth, St Michael's Hamlet, Sefton Park Liverpool 24048 11528 733 459
L18 Allerton, Mossley Hill Liverpool 28154 11610 811 564
L19 Aigburth, Garston, Grassendale Liverpool 23769 10499 688 495
L20 Bootle, Kirkdale, Orrell Liverpool 31529 13896 1514 1003
L21 Ford, Litherland, Seaforth Liverpool 25388 11091 710 557
L22 Waterloo Sefton 13815 6094 443 276
L23 Blundellsands, Brighton-le-Sands, Crosby, Little Crosby, Thornton Sefton 30236 12644 904 670
L24 Hale, Speke Liverpool 15951 6859 540 384
L25 Belle Vale, Gateacre, Hunts Cross, Woolton, Halewood Liverpool 33214 15199 1152 838
L26 Halewood Liverpool 15156 6138 412 322
L27 Netherley Liverpool 6415 2758 218 148
L28 Stockbridge Village Liverpool 6376 3017 145 107
L29 Lunt, Sefton Village Sefton 435 168 30 22
L30 Bootle, Netherton Sefton 19983 8525 592 458
L31 Maghull, Lydiate, Melling, Waddicar Sefton 30659 12548 916 741
L32 Kirkby Knowsley 20597 8834 633 531
L33 Kirkby Knowsley 17006 6854 768 512
L34 Prescot, Knowsley Village Knowsley 12271 5445 584 427
L35 Prescot, Whiston, Rainhill Knowsley 30730 12679 846 682
L36 Huyton, Roby, Tarbock Knowsley 39899 16692 1139 932
L37 Formby, Little Altcar, Great Altcar Sefton 23502 9837 936 671
L38 Ince Blundell, Hightown Sefton 2575 1101 128 99
L39 Ormskirk West Lancashire 28093 11178 1044 749
L40 Burscough, Scarisbrick West Lancashire 18095 7450 707 526
L67 Liverpool Liverpool 12 7
L68 Liverpool Liverpool 10 1
L69 Liverpool, Liverpool University Liverpool 1701 267
L70 Liverpool, Speke Liverpool 219 51
L71 Liverpool Liverpool 20 15
L72 Liverpool Liverpool 60 51
L73 Liverpool Liverpool 1 1
L74 Liverpool Liverpool 27 27
L75 Liverpool Liverpool 38 35
L80 Non-geographic Liverpool 4 1