Postcode Area SM

Postcode Area SM covers the areas in Sutton. There is a total of about 6500 postcodes in SM out of which 4369 postcodes are active and deliverable. SM has an approximate population of 217171 and 87907 households. SM contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 14 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in SM.

14 Active Districts in Postcode Area SM

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
SM1 Sutton, Rose Hill, The Wrythe, Carshalton, Benhilton, Erskine Village Sutton 38274 16359 1452 879
SM2 Belmont, South Sutton, East Ewell Sutton 28293 12288 834 595
SM3 North Cheam Sutton 21113 7972 523 385
SM4 Morden, Morden Park, Lower Morden, St. Helier Merton 36338 13817 851 596
SM5 Carshalton, Carshalton Beeches, Carshalton on the Hill, The Wrythe, Carshalton Village, Eastern St. Helier, Middleton Circle Sutton 38291 15117 997 719
SM6 Wallington, Beddington, Hackbridge, Roundshaw, South Beddington Sutton 36303 15088 1173 718
SM7 Banstead Reigate and Banstead 18559 7266 670 477
SM1 Sutton, Rose Hill, The Wrythe, Carshalton, Benhilton, Erskine Village Sutton 38274 16359 1452 879
SM2 Belmont, South Sutton, East Ewell Sutton 28293 12288 834 595
SM3 North Cheam Sutton 21113 7972 523 385
SM4 Morden, Morden Park, Lower Morden, St. Helier Merton 36338 13817 851 596
SM5 Carshalton, Carshalton Beeches, Carshalton on the Hill, The Wrythe, Carshalton Village, Eastern St. Helier, Middleton Circle Sutton 38291 15117 997 719
SM6 Wallington, Beddington, Hackbridge, Roundshaw, South Beddington Sutton 36303 15088 1173 718
SM7 Banstead Reigate and Banstead 18559 7266 670 477