Postcode Area TD

Postcode Area TD covers the areas in Galashiels. There is a total of about 5168 postcodes in TD out of which 4459 postcodes are active and deliverable. TD has an approximate population of 112644 and 52111 households. TD contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 30 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in TD.

30 Active Districts in Postcode Area TD

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
TD1 Galashiels, Blainslie, Clovenfords, Fountainhall, Stow, Tweedbank Scottish Borders 17608 8240 752 617
TD2 Lauder, Oxton Scottish Borders 2637 1087 115 105
TD3 Gordon Scottish Borders 1009 433 51 45
TD4 Earlston Scottish Borders 2324 1032 120 108
TD5 Kelso Scottish Borders 11207 5294 512 444
TD6 Melrose Scottish Borders 7906 3638 458 414
TD7 Selkirk Scottish Borders 7410 3478 342 298
TD8 Jedburgh, Ancrum, Camptown, Crailing, Jed Valley, Nisbet, Oxnam Scottish Borders 6138 2834 296 264
TD9 Hawick, Newcastleton, Bedrule, Bonchester Bridge, Chesters, Denholm, Kershopefoot, Newmill-on-Teviot, Roberton, Wilton Dean Scottish Borders 18449 8854 865 757
TD10 Greenlaw Scottish Borders 1111 490 54 41
TD11 Duns Scottish Borders 7405 3317 315 287
TD12 Cornhill-on-Tweed, Coldstream, Mindrum Scottish Borders 4215 1984 263 231
TD13 Cockburnspath East Lothian 827 368 44 40
TD14 Eyemouth Scottish Borders 6315 2890 274 251
TD15 Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland 18083 8172 707 557
TD1 Galashiels, Blainslie, Clovenfords, Fountainhall, Stow, Tweedbank Scottish Borders 17608 8240 752 617
TD2 Lauder, Oxton Scottish Borders 2637 1087 115 105
TD3 Gordon Scottish Borders 1009 433 51 45
TD4 Earlston Scottish Borders 2324 1032 120 108
TD5 Kelso Scottish Borders 11207 5294 512 444
TD6 Melrose Scottish Borders 7906 3638 458 414
TD7 Selkirk Scottish Borders 7410 3478 342 298
TD8 Jedburgh, Ancrum, Camptown, Crailing, Jed Valley, Nisbet, Oxnam Scottish Borders 6138 2834 296 264
TD9 Hawick, Newcastleton, Bedrule, Bonchester Bridge, Chesters, Denholm, Kershopefoot, Newmill-on-Teviot, Roberton, Wilton Dean Scottish Borders 18449 8854 865 757
TD10 Greenlaw Scottish Borders 1111 490 54 41
TD11 Duns Scottish Borders 7405 3317 315 287
TD12 Cornhill-on-Tweed, Coldstream, Mindrum Scottish Borders 4215 1984 263 231
TD13 Cockburnspath East Lothian 827 368 44 40
TD14 Eyemouth Scottish Borders 6315 2890 274 251
TD15 Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland 18083 8172 707 557