Postcode M43 6JD

Postcode M43 6JD is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 53.481366, -2.164239 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 90m above sea level. It comes under the district of Tameside and ward of Droylsden West. The constituency for this postcode is Ashton-under-Lyne. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 May, 1994.

Find below 12 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode M43 6JD.

Census Data for M43 6JD

Postcode M43 6JD has a population of about 51 spread across 22 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban Major Conurbation area.

GridRef/LSOA Details

The grid reference for this postcode is SJ891983. The lower layer super output area for M43 6JD is Tameside 012C(E01006003).

Postcode Details
Postcode M43 6JD
Is Active? Yes
Latitude 53.481366
Longitude -2.164239
Easting 389198
Northing 398306
Altitude 90
Rural or Urban Area? Urban major conurbation
Introduced 01 May, 1994
Postcode Administrative Area Details
District Tameside
District Code E08000008
Ward Droylsden West
Ward Code E05000808
Constituency Ashton-under-Lyne
Country England
County Greater Manchester
County Code E11000010
Country England
Parts Of Postcode Unit M43 6JD
Outward Code Inward Code
Postcode Area Postcode District
M 43
Postcode Sector Postcode Unit
6 JD
Postcode Total Postcodes Active Postcodes Population Households
Postcode Unit M43 6JD 1 1 51 22
Postcode Sector M43 6 313 251 9508 4155
Postcode District M43 717 590 23037 9951
Postcode Area M 57709 31562 1167414 492884

12 Addresses in Postcode M43 6JD

Nearby Places

6 Companies Near Postcode M43 6JD

Company Name Company Address Company Category Incorporation Date Approx Distance
Base Security Ltd 228 Manor Road, Droylsden, M43 6JD Private Limited Company 20/11/2012 0.00 miles
Bini Cargo Limited 238 Manor Road, Droylsden, M43 6JD Private Limited Company 18/04/2016 0.00 miles
Dpl Building Services Limited 232 Manor Road, Droylsden, M43 6JD Private Limited Company 06/11/2015 0.00 miles
Mandarin Education Holdings Ltd 208 Manor Road, Droylsden, M43 6JD Private Limited Company 22/02/2016 0.00 miles
Tananger Bike Services Ltd 238 Manor Road, Droylsden, M43 6JD Private Limited Company 05/05/2015 0.00 miles
Victoria Smith It Solutions Ltd 214 Manor Road, Droylsden, M43 6JD Private Limited Company 19/02/2014 0.00 miles

6 Educational Organizations Near Postcode M43 6JD

Name Type Address Approx Distance
Manchester Road Primary Academy Academy Converter Manchester Road, Tameside, M43 6GD 0.20 miles
Manchester Road Primary School Community School Manchester Road, Tameside, M43 6GD 0.20 miles
Droylsden Academy Academy Sponsor Led Manor Road, Tameside, M43 6QD 0.30 miles
Droylsden School Mathematics and Computing College for Girls Community School Manor Road, Tameside, M43 6QD 0.30 miles
Seymour Road Academy Academy Sponsor Led Seymour Road South, Manchester, M11 4PR 0.31 miles
Seymour Road Primary School Community School Seymour Road South, Manchester, M11 4PR 0.31 miles

6 Railway Stations Near Postcode M43 6JD

Name Address TIPLOC CRS Approx Distance
Gorton Rail Station Gorton, Manchester GORTON GTO 0.85 miles
Fairfield Rail Station Fairfield, Droylsden FRFD FRF 1.03 miles
Ashburys Rail Station Ashburys, West Gorton, Manchester ASHBRYS ABY 1.41 miles
Belle Vue Rail Station Belle Vue, Manchester BLLVUE BLV 1.47 miles
Ryder Brow Rail Station Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester RYDRBRW RRB 1.75 miles
Dean Lane Rail Station (closed) Dean Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester 1.78 miles

6 Bustops Near Postcode M43 6JD

Name Address Bus Stop Type Approx Distance
Manchester Rd (Opp House 232) MANOR RD, Droylsden On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.02 miles
Edge Lane Tram Stop (Stop D) MANCHESTER ROAD, Droylsden On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.04 miles
Edge Lane Tram Stop (Stop C) MANCHESTER RD, Droylsden On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.04 miles
Edge Lane Tram Stop (Stop F) MANCHESTER ROAD, Droylsden On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.05 miles
Buxton Ln (Nr) MANCHESTER RD, Droylsden On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.09 miles
Sports Field (O/s Park) LEWIS RD, Sunny Bank Park, Droylsden On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.11 miles

6 Metro Stations Near Postcode M43 6JD

Name Address Approx Distance
Edge Lane (Manchester Metrolink) Manchester Road, Droylsden 0.05 miles
Cemetery Road (Manchester Metrolink) Manchester Road, Droylsden 0.39 miles
Clayton Hall (Manchester Metrolink) Ashton New Road, Clayton, Manchester 0.74 miles
Droylsden (Manchester Metrolink) Ashton Road, Droylsden 0.82 miles
Velopark (Manchester Metrolink) Ashton New Road, Sportcity, Manchester 1.19 miles
Audenshaw (Manchester Metrolink) Droylsden Road, Audenshaw 1.38 miles

1 Airports Near Postcode M43 6JD

Name Address IATA Code Approx Distance
Manchester Airport Manchester Airport, Manchester MAN 9.43 miles

6 Nearby Postcodes

Postcode Distance
M11 1BS 0.298 miles
M11 4GT 0.362 miles
M43 6PW 0.409 miles
M11 1BY 0.425 miles
M43 6LD 0.429 miles
M43 6LE 0.452 miles