Postcode E14 3XA

Postcode E14 3XA is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 51.494423, -0.005616 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 6m above sea level. It comes under the district of Tower Hamlets and ward of Blackwall & Cubitt Town. The constituency for this postcode is Poplar and Limehouse. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 January, 1991.

Find below 22 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode E14 3XA.

Census Data for E14 3XA

Postcode E14 3XA has a population of about 116 spread across 51 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban Major Conurbation area.

GridRef/LSOA Details

The grid reference for this postcode is TQ385791. The lower layer super output area for E14 3XA is Tower Hamlets 030B(E01004216).

Postcode Details
Postcode E14 3XA
Is Active? Yes
Latitude 51.494423
Longitude -0.005616
Easting 538547
Northing 179161
Altitude 6
Rural or Urban Area? Urban major conurbation
Introduced 01 January, 1991
Postcode Administrative Area Details
District Tower Hamlets
District Code E09000030
Ward Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Ward Code E05009318
Constituency Poplar and Limehouse
Country England
County Greater London
County Code E11000009
Country England
Parts Of Postcode Unit E14 3XA
Outward Code Inward Code
Postcode Area Postcode District
E 14
Postcode Sector Postcode Unit
3 XA
Postcode Total Postcodes Active Postcodes Population Households
Postcode Unit E14 3XA 1 1 116 51
Postcode Sector E14 3 379 280 17573 7633
Postcode District E14 2669 1704 82542 34296
Postcode Area E 27259 16144 989043 370613

22 Addresses in Postcode E14 3XA

Nearby Places

6 Companies Near Postcode E14 3XA

Company Name Company Address Company Category Incorporation Date Approx Distance
Adophie It Services Limited Flat 10 Vermeer Court, 1 Rembrandt Close, E14 3XA Private Limited Company 20/12/2011 0.00 miles
Dot Lu Services Limited Vermeet Court Flat 20, 1 Rembrandt Close, E14 3XA Private Limited Company 02/02/2017 0.00 miles
E M Analyst Limited 41 Vermeer Court, 1 Rembrandt Close, E14 3XA Private Limited Company 06/11/2012 0.00 miles
Eduwell Limited 47 Vermeer Court, 1 Rembrandt Close, E14 3XA Private Limited Company 10/12/2015 0.00 miles
Fast Booking Ltd Flat 42 Vermeer Court, 1 Rembrandt Close, E14 3XA Private Limited Company 28/05/2015 0.00 miles
Reva Technologies Limited Flat 11, 1 Vermeer Court, Rembrandt Close, E14 3XA Private Limited Company 23/03/2012 0.00 miles

6 Educational Organizations Near Postcode E14 3XA

Name Type Address Approx Distance
Cubitt Town Infants' School Community School Manchester Road, Tower Hamlets, E14 3NE 0.28 miles
Cubitt Town Junior School Community School Manchester Road, Tower Hamlets, E14 3NE 0.28 miles
St Luke's Church of England Primary School Voluntary Aided School Saunders Ness Road, Tower Hamlets, E14 3EB 0.29 miles
George Green's School Voluntary Controlled School 100 Manchester Road, Tower Hamlets, E14 3DW 0.44 miles
CSPC International School, Hui Yang Service Childrens Education C/O Fieldwork Education Ltd, Tower Hamlets, E14 9TS 0.45 miles
Haizira School Service Childrens Education C/O Fieldwork Education, Tower Hamlets, E14 9TS 0.45 miles

6 Railway Stations Near Postcode E14 3XA

Name Address TIPLOC CRS Approx Distance
Maze Hill Rail Station Greenwich, London MAZEH MZH 0.89 miles
Greenwich Rail Station Greenwich, London GNWH GNW 1.17 miles
Westcombe Park Rail Station Charlton, London WCOMBEP WCB 1.25 miles
Deptford Rail Station Deptford, London DEPTFD DEP 1.40 miles
Canning Town Rail Station Canning Town, London 1.59 miles
Charlton Rail Station Charlton, London CRLN CTN 1.67 miles

5 Bustops Near Postcode E14 3XA

Name Address Bus Stop Type Approx Distance
Cubitt Town School (Stop Cq) MANCHESTER ROAD, Cubitt Town, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.11 miles
Pier Street (Stop Ct) MANCHESTER ROAD, Cubitt Town, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.14 miles
Cubitt Town School (Stop Cu) Cubitt Town, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.15 miles
Pier Street (Stop Cr) Cubitt Town, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.15 miles
St John's Park (Stop K) MANCHESTER ROAD, Crossharbour, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.25 miles

6 Metro Stations Near Postcode E14 3XA

Name Address Approx Distance
Crossharbour DLR Station Limeharbour, Crossharbour, London 0.40 miles
Mudchute DLR Station East Ferry Road, Mudchute, London 0.47 miles
Island Gardens DLR Station Manchester Road, Island Gardens, London 0.50 miles
South Quay DLR Station Marsh Wall, South Quay, London 0.60 miles
North Greenwich Underground Station North Greenwich, London 0.60 miles
Emirates Greenwich Peninsula East Parkside, North Greenwich, London 0.70 miles

6 Airports Near Postcode E14 3XA

Name Address IATA Code Approx Distance
London City Airport Silvertown, London LCY 2.47 miles
Biggin Hill Airport Leaves Green, London BQH 11.30 miles
London Heathrow Airport Heathrow Airport, London LHR 19.30 miles
London Gatwick Airport North Terminal Gatwick Airport LGW 24.25 miles
London Gatwick Airport Gatwick Airport LGW 24.30 miles
London Gatwick Airport South Terminal Gatwick Airport LGW 24.35 miles

6 Nearby Postcodes

Postcode Distance
E14 3JF 0.150 miles
E14 3NG 0.353 miles
E14 3LH 0.384 miles
E14 3FB 0.438 miles
E14 9RE 0.443 miles
E14 9TS 0.454 miles